Recent changes to the regulations governing exemptions from overtime for “white collar” employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act and the dramatic growth of class and collective action lawsuits under federal and state laws have made wage and hour law an even greater concern for employers. Jackson Lewis P.C. attorneys are industry leaders in assisting employers to master the complex laws governing hours of work and payment of wages.

We assist employers with the creation and administration of practices that comply with wage-hour and paid time off requirements, including:

  • Developing, reviewing, revising, and auditing wage and compensation policies;
  • Assisting with proper classification of exempt, nonexempt and independent contract workers;
  • Structuring commissions, bonuses, incentive payments and other compensation programs; and
  • Reviewing overtime pay calculations.

Through the development of effective strategies, we help employers minimize the cost of legal compliance, and, when necessary, defend employers in administrative and judicial proceedings under federal and state laws governing independent contractor status, entitlement to overtime or other premium pay, calculation of overtime pay, recordkeeping obligations, and payment of vacation, personal or sick pay.

When representing employers in class and collective actions, we routinely oppose class certification and notice to potential class opt-in participants, as well as defend all other aspects of multi-plaintiff litigation, including resolution through settlement of claims.