As discussed in detail on the Jackson Lewis web site, the Birmingham City Council – attempting to push through a wage increase within the municipality ahead of rule-making at the state level designed to preempt such city laws – has passed an ordinance increasing the minimum wage within city limits to $10.10 effective immediately.
DOL Announces Proposed Rule Effectuating Increase To Contractor Minimum Wage
By Noel P. Tripp on
Posted in Department of Labor
As discussed in greater detail on the Jackson Lewis website here, this week the Department of Labor published its Proposed Rule implementing the minimum wage increase for federal contractors ordered by the President through Executive Order earlier this year. Under the EO, the minimum wage for work covered by the Davis-Bacon Act or…
President Raises Minimum Wage For Employees of Federal Contractors
By Noel P. Tripp on
Posted in Department of Labor, Minimum Wage
As discussed in a recently released White House fact sheet and summarized more fully here, the President is expected to announce tonight during the State of the Union that his office will issue an Executive Order prospectively raising the minimum wage for federal contractors to $10.10. While many contractors pay higher rates pursuant to…