department of transportation

Of the FLSA’s many highly technical exemptions from overtime, one that can require a detailed regulatory and factual analysis to properly apply, is the motor carrier exemption. In a new decision highlighting one of technical aspects of the exemption, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit ruled that the proper measure of

The requirements of the FLSA’s motor carrier exemption have been historically difficult to apply. This is particularly true after the 2005 enactment of SAFETEA-LU, a federal transportation bill that unintentionally modified the definition of a qualifying motor carrier, and the subsequent passage of the 2008 Technical Corrections Act, an amendment to SAFETEA-LU clarifying the latter’s impact

The motor carrier exemption is one of the original exemptions contained in the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act.   But seventy years later courts continue to clarify its contours. In just the past few months, several decisions have addressed the exemption—some addressing basic threshold issues and others addressing changes made by dizzying legislation passed between 2005-2008