Though the USDOL’s new rule regarding overtime-eligibility for home care workers is currently in force, pending appeal, litigation continues over the prior rule. A new appellate ruling addresses the scope of the term “private home” for purposes of the prior rule, clarifying that the former exemption applies to caregiver work in the private homes
Indiana Appeals Court: Club Not “Employer” For Purposes of Commissions Claim
While wage-and-hour laws, like other employment laws. are generally “broad” and intended to foster the goal of worker protection, the scope of such laws is not limitless, as demonstrated by a recent decision from an Indiana appeals court addressing an alleged multiple or joint employer scenario. Rodriguez v. S. Dunes Golf, LLC, 2014 Ind.…
Appellate Court Rejects Applicant’s Attempt To Extend FLSA’s Anti-Retaliation Protections To Prospective Employer
29 U.S.C. 215(a)(3) prohibits employer retaliation against an employee for complaints alleging FLSA violations (though the contours of what constitutes a protected complaint are still uncertain). An unanswered question has been whether the FLSA’s anti-retaliation protections prohibit a prospective employer from considering an applicant’s FLSA activity arising out of previous employment? Recently, the Court…
Eleventh Circuit Clarifies Scope of FLSA Enterprise Coverage
As FLSA and other wage lawsuits continue to be prevalent, one threshold issue that often arises with small and/or local businesses, as well as non-profit entities, is whether the employer is an enterprise covered by the FLSA. This issue is relevant because in order for the FLSA to be applicable, either the individual employee must be…