Joining a decision issued last fall by Southern District of New York Judge Andrew Carter, Judge Ronnie Abrams has also ruled that time spent by New York City employees in alcohol counseling required by their job did not constitute “work.” Gibbs v. City of New York, 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 7960 (S.D.N.Y. Jan. 23,
Federal Court Finds New York City Not Required To Compensate Employees For Time Spent In Alcohol Rehabilitation
By Noel P. Tripp on
Posted in Hours of Work
Few entities are subject to as many lawsuits as the City of New York, with its millions of occupants and thousands of employees. A recent decision rejects three NYPD police officers’ claims that they should have been paid for time spent in alcohol rehabilitation and counseling sessions. Makinen v. City of New York,…