Disputes regarding the application of the FLSA’s “learned” professional exemption can arise where many – but not all or even “most” – holders of a given position possess specific or substantially-job related academic credentials, but others do not. This is so due to some courts’ narrow interpretation of the learned professional exemption’s requirement that the position
social worker
Federal Court Rejects Application of Professional Exemption to Caseworkers
By Noel P. Tripp on
Posted in Exemptions
In yet another wage-and-hour decision with the potential to disrupt longstanding practices within an industry, a federal court in Florida has ruled that the FLSA’s “learned professional” exemption does not apply to a group of caseworkers providing child protection services for an state-authorized agency. Talbott, et al v. Lakeview Center, 06-cv-378 (N.D. Fla. February…