tip credit minimum wage

On Monday, New York Commissioner of Labor Peter Rivera formally issued his Charge to the recently convened 2014 Wage Board.  The Charge, available here, asks the Board to answer the following question:

What modifications, if any, should be made to the required cash wage rates and the allowable credits for tips, meals, and lodging,

As discussed in greater detail here, the New York State Department of Labor’s revised Wage Orders, which were published in the administrative record on October 9, 2013 and set to become final by the time New York’s December 31 minimum wage hike becomes effective, implement a number of changes to the pay requirements and

Last Thursday, Donna Edwards (D-MD) introduced a bill to the House of Representatives which would increase the tip credit minimum wage for the first time since 1991.  The Working For Adequate Gains For Employment In Services Act (WAGE Act) would increase the tip credit minimum wage to $3.75/hour under federal law, with subsequent increases culminating